My fingers brush his

As I take the pass


I never know whether to feel


even as I murmur thanks


Because the world will be

silenced for

a little while


So I take long drags &


My lungs take painful breaths


In between


I’m the girl my mother always hoped for

& I’m the girl my mother always warned about


I’m teetering on a thin rope


But the smoke

Eases my weight


I breathe


I’m nobody’s girl

when I’m like this.

too good to be true

I would catch the ends of his sentences

when he’d just about given up

on his voice


& he’d put his arm around my shoulders,

tucking me right in like I belonged

and that was enough


We were safe in each other

even in the deep end


I would touch his face

just to prove he was still there


He said once

that he felt like we were too good

to be true


and he was right

because somewhere

along the way


love stopped being enough