I keep so much secret



when things are vague

they’re so much easier

to ignore, aren’t they?

nobody can question who I am

or have their curiosity piqued

I’ve learned to not wear

my victimhood

on my sleeve

I’ve learned to

not draw it across my wrists

even if that’s the only thing

I haven’t yet finished

even if it’s a fine line

a thread

holding me together

accept this

I want people, places, things


not to be

so flawed but


I have to keep reminding myself that


there’s a beauty in this chaos

we call humanity


the majority of us not knowing even

how to begin

to be humane


to each other


or to ourselves


the greatest challenge

is every morning


waking up to relearn

this lesson over and over


because others will hurt us

sometimes without even realizing

how much they are capable

of hurting us


so I tell myself


to see the beauty

instead of feeling

the pain

mirror image

It’s your face in the mirror

next to mine


and even though you stand close

enough to touch


I feel you



behind the glass


you’re here


but you might as well

be a reflection